Friday, January 3, 2020

Harriet - A Movie that will Inspires Our Family to Hear & Follow the Voice of God

Harriet - A movie you won't want to miss

It's movie Friday.  Often in the past we have done spotlights on different actresses or actors or a we've spotlighted different subjects that we feel were covered well in movies.  This week we have a movie that we love that stands on it's own.  

The movie is Harriet.  Here is the trailer.  You can watch it at the dollar theater or rent it from RedBox or probably view it on Netflix.

The woman is AMAZING!  She is courageous.  I think my favorite thing about the movie is how inspired she is and how good at praying to God, hearing His voice, and following His directions.

It's a great movie to watch for pure entertainment.  It's a great movie to watch if you are trying to inspire your children to be heroes.  It's an outstanding movie to watch when you are discussing the fact that hard times come to us all and if we pray and hear and follow the voice of God we get through life with more safety and happiness.

By the way, this is definitely a movie blog, but I couldn't end without pointing out one of my favorite children's books on hearing the word of God.  It's called With You All the Way by Max Lucado.  You can get it a most any library.  You're going to love the ending of the book.